Tag Archives: self esteem

Be True to Yourself


“If you are being true to yourself and it isn’t enough for the people around you, change the people around you.”

I promise this will not be a rant post, although it may appear that way at times. But, I have recently came to an abrupt realization that I need to be true to myself.

I constantly get told that the way I ask questions, the way I say things, my views, etc. are too opinionated and come across as “bitchy.” I have tried to find books on how to cater to people’s personalities, without realizing a fundamental truth…..that’s who I am!!  I have long viewed my assertiveness as a character flaw instead of appreciating that that is what makes me unique.

I used to view being true to yourself as sunshine and rainbows, with everyone being kind to one another and not speaking your opinion if it hurts other people’s feeling. Seriously, I did and I know I’m not alone. People think that if you are confident or “bitchy,” you should change your personality. It’s not very nice to be that way. Stop it! This is a serious double standard.

Always remember, being true to yourself does not only apply when you are nice or portray other positive characteristics, it is also about embracing your perceived flaws. If you are abrasive…..GOOD FOR YOU! Don’t let people make you feel bad about your assertiveness. If you are a giving person…..embrace it. Just be true to who you are, no matter if it is perceived as a positive or negative characteristic.

Day 730

Today marks the day that I decided  to change my life. On October 15, 2010, I decided to start training for figure and bikini competitions. I was depressed, unhappy with my image and knew that I needed to change. I didn’t even fathom that it would affect my life so much.  It’s crazy to look back and see the changes in my body and most importantly my self worth.  My workout tonight marks my 730th day of my new lifestyle.

I used to be motivated by how others perceived me. Now, 2 years later, my motivators have changed. Instead of thinking, “I need to look better than her,” I look at my pictures and say, “I need to look better than I did at my last competition.” I’ve learned that everyone is so different, and the only person you have to beat is yourself. You will prove to be your biggest competitor. I have learned more about myself in my 2 years since my lifestyle change, than I have in anything in my life. I found that I am not only stronger than I thought I was, but I have learned discipline, perseverance, and self respect.

Tony and I were talking a few days ago about how I feel my training after every competition gets harder. I now know why. Every day I get more passionate about health and fitness and that is being directly reflected in my training.

It hasn’t always been easy. I remember days where I didn’t want to go to the gym because I had literally fainted the day before, had pounding migraines, was sick, was too tired, would rather watch TV, had a ton of homework, or was so sore I could barely sit to pee, let alone do squats. But I kept working through all of it. That’s thing about the path less taken….. while other people are throwing in their towels, you are becoming even more dedicated to your goals.

So here’s to me! It’s been 2, extremely difficult and very rewarding, years. I hereby lift my protein shake!